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2014 – My Year of Enlightenment

I have always known that 2014 would be an influential year for me, strictly due to my long lasting connection with the number 14. My egotistical mind always assumed it would be my “breakout year” financially. When, in fact, it was much much larger than that. It had nothing to do with money or material possessions. What 2014 brought me was a shift in reality. It brought an awareness that I have never experienced…and now will never let go of.

I have never dedicated myself to my own personal growth the way I did in 2014. In return, I head into 2015 a changed man. Some may ask, “What is the one most important thing you’ve learned this year?” Well, my answer would be all over the board here. I have learned how great this journey can be when I choose to no longer be a “reactor” to circumstance, and instead take the mindset of being the CREATOR of your own story. Taking the role as a creator instead of a reactor has catapulted my mindset this year. I am exponentially more confident than I have ever been. I feel more worthy to enter into relationships with some of the best of the best in their fields. I have let go of burdens I have carried for years. Through the months, I have been willing to open up more and show my true self to others.

This ties into another key thing I learned in 2014 - Shedding the EGO.

When you get down to the nuts and bolts of how our mind works, and how much what we think about dictates the life we live, you realize that MONEY is not the proper focal point. This year I found a PASSION inside me to live in LOVE and to nurture the relationships I have that make me a more focused, more positive person. It is True, the Power of Positivity is a REAL THING. This year brought me whirlwind of Opportunity. I became AWARE of the smallest opportunities that would lead to a life with a much greater purpose, and much greater opportunity. I have learned how to tune in to my intuition, I’ve learned how to meditate and connect to that “inner voice” or “inner self.” I have realized that some of the most influential people in this planet’s history have been those who understand that value of daily prayer, meditation, and connection to yourself and to your God, your Creator. Jesus always went away to pray, meditate, focus…and come into alignment. He understood the power of FAITH, and he eliminated all doubt from his mind. He only chose to see the greatness in people. I have learned to implement this into my life, and I have NEVER been filled with so much Love, Joy, Excitement, and Peace inside my heart. I am TRULY FULFILLED today, and I have realized that NONE of this has a thing to do with monetary gain.

Dr. Wayne Dyer is one of the greatest teachers I’ve seen on the planet today. He has dedicated his life to learning why we are here on this journey. While watching him discuss his new book, I Can See Clearly Now, he said something that resonated with me. “Have a Passion for BEING PASSIONATE!” I will never forget this. This is what has come from my 2014. PASSION. ZEST FOR LIFE. NO FEAR. And most importantly….FUN. We are here together on this journey to HAVE FUN! What we choose to focus on expands, and for years I have fell into society’s trap of limiting myself and focusing on the wrong things. It creates a weight like no other. And the sad thing is, most of society LIVES THIS WAY. When we realize that our purpose here is to ENJOY every detail of this experience, and to FEEL GOOD ALL THE TIME, we tend to shake EVERYTHING up in our world. You quickly distance yourself from individuals or circumstances that make you feel any type of negative emotion. That may be stress, that may be guilt, that may be a feeling of not being good enough…it could be a vast array of emotions. RUN FROM THAT. Surround yourself with people who love you and BELIEVE in you. Block out negativity in every aspect of your life. Be aware at all times, and run to the things and people who MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD. This is what I feel is the true Secret to Life that we sometimes may miss. We are a distracted society…what have we done to ourselves? It’s time for a change people.

What do YOU want? What is in your way? How did it get in your way? And how do you plan to change it?

It’s the small adjustments in life that lead to the greatest achievements. I challenge you today to take 15 minutes of focused personal time to think. With no distractions. Are you living the life you expected of yourself today? Are you wanting more fulfillment? Do you want to FEEL BETTER? Trust me when I say…making a priority to FEEL GOOD all the time will make all the difference. And once you’re flying high, you won’t want ANYONE to bring you down. Enjoy the momentum you gain, and see how your world changes when you make YOURSELF your main priority.

I wish you all a year of Fulfillment, Abundance, Love, and Excitement in 2015. Re-invent yourself today! “I am, that which I am.”

Signing off in Love,

Ross Flurry - Cheers!!

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