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While visiting a friend's wine bar last night, I see there is a Ladies Group having a small event on the other side of the room. They are only using half the stage, in which there is a couch on, the spot lights are on them, and it's an interview-like setting appearing somewhere between Oprah and The View. The guests drank their wine while being interviewed by the host, a local business owner, and fierce looking diva, Mrs. Lenora Byrd. It is apparent by the topics discussed and questions pitched that this is a room of elite women, entrepreneurs, movers and shakers in the community. I was blown away by the guests and their interviews. You heard stories of success, failure, the trials, tribulations, the money issues, the raw JOURNEY.

The first guest was funky, hip, not afraid to tell you how it is, The Pink Envelope's CEO, Samantha Foster. Bobbie Cobb, owner of Massage Heights Spring Creek & Panther Creek, took the ladies through the ups and downs of learning how to hire properly, and many other valuable lessons that could save any business manager time, energy, and lots of money.

Now, how cool is that? A group of women coming together for the sole purpose of gaining knowledge to grow their businesses, and SHARING knowledge to HELP their other lady friends succeed. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but is there no greater competition than women vs other women in this country??? (Sorry, I had to lol) So to see a group of women coming together on a monthly basis to do this was astounding. And commendable.

Later, the two interviews turned it around on Lenora and interviewed HER. This gave Oprah, I mean Lenora, the chance to share her story. You can find the video on our Facebook page. I encourage you to go check it out!

What I'd like to say about all this, if you are still reading, is that I can truly say I am beginning to live my life's purpose these days. To Collaborate, To Connect, and To Change Lives. When we started The Woodlands Young Entrepreneurs Network, this was part of the vision. An inspiring Women's Group coming together to help one another SUCCEED. I met Lenora Byrd for Breakfast one day and it was like God showed me exactly what was in store for her should she choose to dive into our group. And less than a year later, she is hosting and leading an Elite Women's Initiative event just as Oprah would. Let me just say again! I AM INSPIRED!

Words can't express the joy I feel from providing a platform that enables people to spread their wings and FLY. The Woodlands Young Entrepreneurs Network provides this opportunity. For all. We want to bring people together and CHANGE LIVES for the better. We are interested in your Success. And we are interested in your Fulfillment.

Lenora Byrd, I am beyond proud of you. Thank you for being on this journey with us. More importantly, thank you for YOURSELF.

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